Ride Leader Information

If you are thinking about volunteering to be a ride leader, contact one of the ride coordinators listed below or email Brett Wheeler, Rides Chair who can authorize you to use the Ride Leader Functions.

Ride LevelCoordinatorAverage SpeedDescription


Gary Strebel17.0 and upSee Ride Category descriptions at https://www.westchestercycleclub.org/RideCategories


Anil Malhotra16.0 - 18.0


Rich Gluck15.0 - 17.0


Bill Berkowsky13.0 - 15.0


Harvey Loeb11.0 - 14.0


Brian Juszcyk9.0 - 11.0


Brian Juszcykup to 11.0New Member/Orientation Rides


up to 11.0Mountain Biking RIdes


Deborah Ramsey10 - 12Hard Pack/Gravel Rides


James Keeley10 and up

Job Description--Ride Coordinators

By Shelly Mozlin on 2019-02-01 updated 2019-02-18
The primary role of Ride Coordinators at all levels is to encourage ride leaders to post rides. Ride Coordinators should communicate regularly with Ride Leaders and the Rides Chair to promote safety, encourage riders to become Ride Leaders, and help new members feel welcome.
1.      Encourage Ride Leaders to post rides. Ideally, during the “high season,” every level should have a ride posted on both Saturday and Sunday (weekday rides are icing on the cake). 
2. (Job Description--Ride Coordinators continues ...)

What's Involved?

Ride leaders plan and lead rides. You can choose a ride to lead from the Cue Sheet or club RideWithGPS library or you can write your own. For more info, take a look at the Ride Leader checklist.

Forms and Information for Ride Leaders

Ride Categories

Click for a description of the Ride Categories (levels) from D to A.

Cue Sheets for Ride Leaders

The club has an excellent library of cue sheets (you must be a club member to view them) and RideWithGPS route library online. 

Procedures for Rides

Ride leaders are responsible for bringing these essential forms to each ride they lead: Unless signing riders in digitally, bring paper copies of the Release Form (sign-in sheet). If minor are expected, bring the Minor Release Form. You can either print and bring with you the Accident Report Form or complete it digitally.

Ride leaders must ensure that every rider has read the release and waiver, and digitally signed them in, prior to the ride. Ride leaders can also submit hard copy sign-in sheets by downloading the pdf files (above) and printing them. Sign-in Sheets and Minor Release Forms should be submitted to signinsheets@westchestercycleclub.org after the ride. Preferably, the leader (or assistant leader) should use the "Confirm" feature on the club website in the Sign Up section of each ride, to record who showed up for the ride (but use paper sign-in for non-members on their one "free ride" and minors). 

In the event of an accident, ride leaders must complete and submit the Accident Report Form as soon as is possible. WCC keeps a record of the forms and submits them to our insurance company.

Become a Ride Leader

If you've been going on club rides for a while and are interested in becoming a Ride Leader, we welcome you! You must be certified by the Rides Chair to be able to post and lead rides. To get started, follow these steps, then apply here to become a Ride Leader.To be eligible as a WCC Ride Leader, the rider has:

  • Ridden on at least five WCC club rides
  • Completed the ride leader training program (reviewed this document and carefully review ALL content on this page, including all linked content)
  • Completed two co-leads with an experienced leader

The Ride Leader candidate then informs the Rides Chair of completion of these steps, then the Rides Chair certifies the rider as a Ride Leader and enables the individual to post rides on the club's website. To get started, follow the steps above, then apply here to become a Ride Leader.

Volunteer Appreciation Program

Members receive volunteer points as appreciation for volunteering.

  1. Volunteer points are awarded for a variety of volunteer activities, not just leading rides.
  2. Volunteer points are accrued when you sign up and show up for a volunteer activity using the "Volunteer" system on the WCC Website or sign up on the "Ride Schedule" to lead or co-lead a ride. It is critical that organizers of volunteer events create a volunteer page for each event, and it is critical for volunteers to sign up on this page. This is the way we're going to track who is awarded volunteer points (in addition to the Ride Schedule). 
  3. Volunteer points are awarded in the following manner:                    
  • WCC board participation: 20 pts.
  • Committee membership to work on a large project such as the Golden Apple or Dirty Apple: 10 pts.
  • Ride Lead: 5 pts. Must have at least one confirmed rider who is not leader or co-leader, posted at least 12 hours in advance.
  • Ride Co-lead: 2 pts. (Co-leads must be designated on the Ride Schedule by leaders.) 
  • D Ride lead: 10 pts. 
  • One-day event volunteer: 5 pts. (This includes each session of the weekly Bike4Kids project.)

If you have accumulated volunteer points, you can redeem them on the WCC Website: Go to "Store," then "Shop" on "My WCC." Your volunteer points will automatically be deducted from any qualifying purchases, then you can pay any balance remaining via PayPal with a credit card.If you don't have any volunteer points, you will not see the new club-branded Voler clothing in the WCC Store. Instead, order directly at https://www.voler.com/custom/ordering/li/28496.

© Westchester Cycle Club 2025